27 August 2016

Pan-Dimensional Conga Combat

Developed in a top secret lab over the course of the past eighteen months, RGCD.DEV's Pan-Dimensional Conga Combat is a rhythm-synchronised, old-school, score-chasing arcade game that plays like some alien coin-op from another dimension. Grab your Conganoid and join the Elder Gods in the competitive ceremonial slaughter of annoyingly happy (yet extremely deadly) geometric, pan-dimensional critters!

Conga Combat is not a typical arena-shooter. Defend yourself against the pan-dimensional critters using your bullet tail, close enemy portals by looping around them and charge up your hyper-destructive mega-lazor by laying a path of bullets in front of the mindless, drifting purploids. Oh, and stay the hell out of the way of the EVIL X - those dudes are BAD news!

Combining trippy visual effects and coffee-break sized bytes of hardcore action, Conga Combat can be played solo in either arcade or survival mode. Arcade plays like a typical coin-op, with the player starting from the beginning each game, jumping from dimension to dimension by achieving the ever-growing kill-quota on each stage. Alternatively, the 'pure' survival mode sees the player facing an endless horde of increasingly aggressive geometric critters in a single arena for as long as they can.

Got some people over for a gaming session? We've got you covered with our old-school, timed local-multiplayer mode where you can battle your against your friends and family for high-score supremacy!